Posted by : admin Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

Whether horror is American or Europeans it thrills the viewers.What is so interesting about horror that people flock to see it?

Horror is something we want to avoid in our life in the real world.However thrilling and exciting the situation looks,to face horror in real life we are reluctant, but on television or movies we flock to enjoy it.What is the reason behind it? According to behavioral research we are thrilled by the fear factor,and would like indirect participation that will cause us no physical discomfort.Viewing horror may not physically harm you,but it will definitely make you mentally uncomfortable if we view on a continuous basis.Horror episodes are thrilling for adults but not for children under the age of thirteen.It may affect their thinking patterns and behavior in general,if they are allowed unrestricted viewing of horror in the media.Horror occasionally thrills but extreme horror makes you feel disgusted rather than entertained.The fact that they have been adapted from fictions based on  real crime filled with horrific experience,make the drama even more distressing to the  weak hearted.Will these scenes really entertain  or thrill  the average viewer, who doesn’t have a stomach for gruesome acts on  visual media? American Horror may have huge following,but will  morbidity always fascinate viewers?.Horror is entertaining,if it hold the viewers  interest, but if becomes a sort of mediocre  do we need it?Do we need werewolf,vampires and ghost to entertain  us to fill  our  senses with  fear and  horror?Any way, violent  acts of these evil creatures  may fill a minority of the viewers with disgust and  anxiety. youngsters,teens and youth are avid fans of horror fiction.Today the criteria for entertainment to be popular,the drama or fiction, need to filled with macabre acts of horror. To satisfy  the audience  with excitement  and thrill, fictions are packed with mindless horror and adventures .Anyway let us hope that  our viewing talents may not degrade to shallow techniques that will churn out horror fiction to satisfy the media viewership.Let us  develop a healthy viewing attitude that will increase the range and depth of our fictional entertainment,rather than  horror fictions that will only  numb us with mindless crime and disgust.Let American Horror have better themes that will entertain it’s viewers instead  of filling them with cheap horror gimmicks.

Horrors thrills but let it never kill  our  ability to enjoy ordinary fictions and themes that will relax us  with positive emotions and enjoyment.


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