Posted by : admin Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

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    Develop a realistic budget. Don't just estimate what your costs are. Take a month to write down every cent you spend from your house payment to your morning cup of coffee. Once you have set up a realistic budget to live on, then you can begin to set up a realistic goal to save money each month.

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    Wait before you buy. In order to break the habit of wasting money on impulse purchases, impose a waiting period on yourself. Wait for a month, and if you still really want that item, then buy it if you have the money.

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    Put a limit on how much you will spend each month on things such as entertainment or morning stops at the coffee shop. Use cash and divide money that you have allocated for Starbucks or entertainment into envelopes. Once your envelope is empty there are no more dinners out or morning lattes. This allows you to continue to have access to the things you enjoy but stops you from overindulging by setting limits.

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    Have money automatically deducted from your paychecks. It's an easy way to save money each month. If you don't see it, you don't miss it.

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    Look into making lifestyle changes that will help you save money each month. Take public transportation, quit smoking or buy some necessary items at thrift stores or consignment shops to save a little money each month.


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