Posted by : admin Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

I analyzed the longest novels published from Europe. One country bears the two biggest European novels ever written.

Europeans are proud of their literature. Many of the European novels published since The Middle Ages are classics today in the English speaking countries of the world. But there is one European country that stands out as having the 2 longest classical European novels ever written. No other classical European novel comes close in length to these 2 literary masterpieces. What country in Europe bears these 2 mega-novels?

Here are the 2 classical mega-novels:

1. Artamene by Madelaine and Georges de Scudery

This epic prose classical French novel was published in 1653 (356 years ago) in Paris, France. The novel is 5 times longer than Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace! When the novel was published in France, it was 15,000 pages thick, in 10 separate volumes! Wow! What an epic prose novel! If this classic novel became a film that adhered to the lot of the story, that film would comprise a series of 20 DVDs! The novel deals with the life of a young man named Artamene, who loves a young woman named Mandane, but is prevented from being with mandane because Cyrus the Great disguises himself as Artamene and takes her away! This evil deed by Cyrus is just one of his evil actions that eventually made him king. But Artamene gets justice against his arch enemy, King Cryus. The ultimate European classical romance novel of all time in world literature!

2. In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust

This classical French novel was published in 1927 (82 years ago) in 7 volumes in Paris, France. It is the second largest classical novel of France and of Europe. The prose epic novel was about 10,000 pages. Wow! Still very thick! It was Marcel Proust’s magnum opus which he finished just before his untimely death. The epic prose classical French novel deals with Proust’s philosophies in his lifetime. It is considered the ultimate autobiography by one author ever in world literature!

If you are French or a mix of French, you should consider yourself lucky. These 2 novels are classic prose epics that cannot be surpassed by any other European or American prose novel ever published in history. I dare any person to read these novels either in French or in translation for your next book report! Any takers?


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I analyzed the longest novels published from Europe. One country bears the two biggest European novels ever written.

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