Posted by : admin Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

bear hunting sarah palin

A website created by Alaskans - - offers "The Truth about Sarah Palin, backed up by credible news sources". Visit their site for a wealth of information on Sarah Palin's stand on a large variety of issues.

After a successful hunt, the brown bear is brought back to the base camp for further processing.

bear hunt

brown bear

The next morning, pictures are taken and the skinning begins. The hunter would like to keep the pelt for a rug.

bear hunt

bear skinning

bear skinning

bear skinning

bear skin

bear pelt

The bear skull needs to be stripped of all flesh, so it can be preserved as a trophy.

bear skull

bear skull

The bear pelt is salted and air-dried to prepare it for shipping to a taxidermist.

bear salted

bear hide

brown bear fishing

Chef Keem bear hat


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