Posted by : admin Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

How to Safeguard your internet Life

The hype in internet usage has been witnessed since its beginning mainly due to its innovative facilities along with all those easiness it has brought into our lives, some security issues have come up with it also. The only best way to safeguard personal data from thieves and hackers is Usage of tools for Encryption. What serves as a door to rest of the world is your home computer. But all the goodness comes with a price the darker side of this facility reflects the dangers of personal data loss because you left the door unlocked for thieves. The best way to secure your personal online data is through security tools that reduce the risk of anything that u didn’t want to happen.

  • The Data Securing
  • The first and most important step of home computer security starts with enabling of secure internet firewall. By enabling this firewall a secure data flow to and from your home PC is enabled that also prevents against any intruder from sneaking into your online personal data by launching a shield of security. All the windows versions are equipped with such softwares and when used for security are perfect for handling security threats.

    There are number of such security tools available online including both paid and free serving the same purpose, such as Kaspersky Lab’s, this is one much useful tool for blocking spam mails, virus attacks and other security threats. This tool enables protection for most of the operating systems and also for mobile devices. Others than this Zone alarm, Tiny Wall and Comodo Firewall are some widely used tools for online data protection.

    2. Security from Malwares

    Along with all other security risks the attacks through Malware programmes are of most destructive nature and harm your personal internet life to greater extent if compared to other issues. Because they are hosted on your computer to sneak into your day to day activities and even send spam emails to web by stealing your identity. It’s well known by many names including spyware, adware, viruses or rootkits. Once it’s installed on your PC it becomes a part of the OS and hides from being detected no matter whatever means one uses to detect.

    The best sources to identify and remove malwares these days include Norton’s 360 Security and Kaspersky One which are widely used tools against these malwares. These packages contain Some effective programming against such malware attacks. They detect computer viruses from email attachments and download folders by performing a scan on your computer. The automatic data backup feature of Norton 360 is highly essential but mostly goes unnoticed.

    3. Security by VPN Encryption

    VPN is yet another famous tool that’s widely used to protect online data and identity including data transfer encryption. This is done by enabling VPN protocols PPTP, L2TP, SSTP and the latest highly secure protocol IKEv2. Although latest windows versions come up with built in encryption of files and folders, media drives and USB as well but VPN encryption come up with some extra features like data transfer and online anonymity which make it first choice of the users world over. The leading VPN tools with wide spread use globally include Hotspot, Astrill, VPN4ALL, HideipVPN
    , PureVPN and Secure VPN most of them are paid but few exceptions like Cyberghost, Proxpn and Hotspot Shield offer free version and trials. The least VPN can do for you is that offer Data Security, Online Anonymity and also unblock the websites.

    4. Parental Controls

    Although internet in some parts of the world is controlled by governments, however this censorship level is different world over. The most censored countries like IRAN and CHINA are considered highly strict on internet. Here again comes the VPN to rescue. The internet world is vast and it encompasses all the aspects of things which may not be suitable for all the ages or people. Parents are the most worrying people due unsophisticated and harmful for children material online. To solve such issues window’s latest versions have built in tools for parental controls for filtering websites and regulating time table for your children’s internet usage. If you are interested in more comprehensive and dedicated tool for the purpose there are programmes available to help like Keyware. It’s paid and free versioned software with many useful features like action alerts that sends you text messages while there is an objectionable content and detects emails with inappropriate materials.


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